31 Reasons I LOVED Slicing in March!

  1. I wrote everyday
  2. I got to read other slices
  3. I made new friends
  4. I added to my blog
  5. I got  a glimpse of other parts of the world
  6. I pushed myself to write
  7. I discovered others have similar thoughts, feelings, ideas
  8. It gave me a place to brag, gripe, reminisce and reflect
  9. I learned new things about myself
  10. I learned new things about technology
  11. I found ideas for my kiddos
  12. I shared ideas about my classroom
  13. I thought about writing a lot
  14. I found inspiration in everything
  15. I looked for writing ideas
  16.  I found myself wanting to write regardless of what my day had been like
  17. I stuck to a commitment (as best I could with cable problems for 4 days)
  18. I turned morning journal time to “slicing time” in first grade
  19. I learned how to write a poem from my ipod
  20.  I turned everyday events into stories
  21. I want to continue
  22.  I laughed and cried with and for total strangers and it felt “right”
  23. I got to write about my favorite subject-my kids
  24. I have now have a SOL file
  25. I joined new blog lists
  26. It made me happy
  27. I enrolled in graduate classes and plan to write a grant to attend NWP next summer in NYC (if it doesn’t get cut) Look out NY!
  28. Other people read what I wrote and they liked it (not just my mom)
  29. I tried new writing styles
  30. I am now part of a writing community
  31. I now feel I am a writer!

5 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Christy on April 2, 2011 at 1:13 am

    I especially love 21 and 22. I have those same thoughts, but couldn’t articulate them so well.


  2. Posted by Michelle on April 2, 2011 at 1:14 am

    What a great list! Isn’t it amazing once you put all your learning into print? Can you even believe you did all this? Appreciate #22 – laughing and crying with strangers, but it felt right! I want you to continue too (#21) and best of luck with the graduate classes and grant writing! How exciting!

    Look forward to future writing!


  3. #31 is my favorite. Thanks for writing through the month.
    Happy writing,


  4. […] tjkfirst (First Grade and Fence Posts) […]


  5. I like #26. It makes me happy too. Number 28 made me smile. Keep writing!


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